What is an Alcohol/Drug Assessment?
A Substance Use Assessment or Chemical Use Assessment is the old ‘Rule 25’ assessment which is an evaluation of someone’s alcohol or drug use, and whether or not the substance use is causing challenges in their life. The majority of the time, if someone receives DWI, DUI, or a different legal charge involving mood-altering substances, a ‘Chemical Use’ or ‘Rule 25’ assessment is court ordered. Or an employer may request someone to have an assessment done if there are concerns of substance use affecting work.
Where do I get an assessment?
As far as getting an assessment, the majority of people either make an appointment with their county social services or area Alcohol/Drug treatment facility. But if you happen to live in rural Minnesota, where the closest county building or treatment facility is over 30 miles away, or if you have issues with transportation, childcare, or time off of work, obtaining an assessment through online or Telehealth may be for you.
What is Telehealth?
According to Minnesota Statues, an assessment can be obtained through telehealth or telemedicine: a secure, private platform. In other words, a safe, protected two-way, real-time, video/audio conference. As long as the individual has a private location and access to the internet, the assessment can be completed through a computer, Iphone, or tablet.
Who would want to do a ‘Rule 25’ or ‘Chemical Use’ assessment through Telehealth?
If you happen to live in rural Minnesota or, as mentioned above, have transportation, childcare, or work issues or even traveling, a ‘Rule 25’ assessment through telehealth may be the perfect option for you.
An assessment through telehealth would not be necessary if you are a Minnesota resident living in the metro area or suburb of Minneapolis/St. Paul, St. Cloud, Duluth, or Rochester/Austin area, there are multiple treatment facilities/county professionals that are able to provide the assessment. Also if, you are not comfortable with internet technology, an online assessment is probably not your first choice.
What if the court won’t accept an assessment done through telehealth?
First, get permission from your county court administrator, probation/parole agent, child protection worker, or employer. Give them the website of mnalcoholdrugassessments.com and they can see that I am licensed through the State of Minnesota with Minnesota Behavioral Board of Health.
But is a telehealth assessment really confidential/secure?
The assessment is completed through a confidential, secure platform. An individual is sent an email link to the platform for a specific time. At the time of the assessment, only that person that receives the link and myself have access to that link. The person would want to be in a private area, be that a room in their home or where ever, or even in their car. As long as the individual has access to the internet, the assessment can be completed through a computer, tablet, or Iphone.
How does the intake paperwork get signed?
Due to today’s technology, all paperwork including consent for telehealth, informed consent, and Releases of Information can be signed through the secure platform with an electronic signature. The only way I am able to send your assessment results to anyone is through your permission with a signed release of information.
(218) 640-6133 | MNAA@Hushmail.com
HIPAA Secure: mnaa@hushmail.com